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Samantha Ruth Prabhu

Founder Samantha Akkineni

Ms Samantha Ruth Prabhu, a name intimate to every South Indian abode, is a leading film personality and a philanthropist. Born and brought up in Chennai, Samantha as a young girl was always known to be inclined towards learning & attaining knowledge. As one of the most competitive students of her class, in her convent school, she always held a special place for literature and communications in her learning. Hard Work, Grit and Commitment towards fulfilling her dreams have made her stand atop and achieve a career with high intent.

Samantha believes that “Creativity is the key to success in the future. Primary education is essential, it is where teachers can encourage and cultivate creativity in children at an early age. Considering this, Pre-Primary Education again isn’t just about teaching; it is also about training young minds towards early childhood development. An education should spur growth and unlock potential, paving the way for brighter and broader thinking, bringing every child’s best out at an early stage.”

Fedrick Douglass once said “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Samantha truly believes in this mantra. With Ekam preschool she wants to groom emotionally healthy and capable children rather than to repair a broken society at large.

With Ekam Early Learning Center, Jubilee Hills Samantha desires to ultimately achieve this and make the school stand-out as an icon in the Pre-Primary Education Ecosystem. She hopes to build a community of self-taught children, who possess all qualities to grow up to be the model beings that the world needs.